Dopamine for Windows expertly handles your local music library

It’s crazy to think that I’ve been using Winamp as my go-to desktop music player for nearly two decades now. The app has always been the best looking tool for the job, and made light work of managing my collection as it grew from a handful of MP3 snippets to a 350GB library of locally stored tunes.
I stuck with Winamp even after I upgraded to Windows 10, but it doesn’t play nice with my 4K display. That’s why I’ve been looking for a worthy replacement, and Dopamine seems to check all the boxes on my list.
The free music player has a beautiful interface that blends in nicely with Windows and lets you customize its accent color and overall theme with light and dark options. It also works great in a small window size that highlights only the cover art, and displays notifications with playback controls every time a new song starts up.

Dopamine for Windows expertly handles your local music library

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