Some great Firefox Add-Ons...

Yes, not the usual list with extensions that you’re already using. These are 10 very useful, not-so-popular Firefox extensions that I’m assuming you don’t know.

Snap Links - Download

You must have been in this kind of a situation before: You have to manually click on over tens of links. Time wasted. Save a few seconds and effortlessly open multiple links with Snap Links installed.

Use the right mouse button and drag it over a particular area, the main links get selected and open when the button is released.

Menu Editor - Download

Ok, you have a very customized Firefox installation on your computer. With your favourite addons installed. Tens of them. Each puts something in the right click context menu. That’s clutter, isn’t it? That’s where the Menu Editor extension comes in handy.

Using this addon, it’s possible to rearrange items in the right click menu, and even group them together.

HyperWords - Download

One of the best Firefox extensions out there, that probably deserves more praise. It makes every word on web pages interactive. Basically, after you’ve installed this addon, you have a whole bunch of things on your right click menu.

Select a word, right click, see the plethora of options that Hyperwords gives you. Don’t be taken aback. You can locate meanings of a word by just right clicking hovering over a few menu items. Select a word, click, and go to Google’s top search result page for that term. Select, click, do a shopping search. Locate a place in a map by right clicking on the place name. Possibilities are endless.

Reminder Fox - Download

If you spend the whole day inside Firefox, this is for you.

Reminder Fox can be used to set reminders and to-do lists, and can alert you when you have things to do.

Littlefox - Download

This addon is very useful if you have too many things on your Firefox window occupying a lot of space. LittleFox revamps the Firefox interface once installed, makes elements smaller and leaves a lot of room for viewing web pages. Have a look for yourself:

Must install if you have more than 3 toolbars floating around in the Firefox Window.

Hide Menu Bar - Download

Does anyone use the Firefox Menu Bar? Buttons on the toolbar do most of the jobs for me, so I rarely take the cursor over to the top to access the menu bar. This extension does a neat job of hiding your Firefox Menu Bar.

Gain some screen space, hide the menu bar. On those rare occasions when you need to use the menu bar, don’t panic. Just hold the ALT button and the menu bar appears instantly.

PicLens - Download

Makes browsing through pictures a wonderful experience. When you go to a compatible site like Flickr, click on the Piclens icon near the image.

PicLens transforms the page to a 3D Gallery-Like view. Use your mouse to drag, select and zoom in.

Fission - Download

Used Safari before? Then you might like this addon.

Displays the progress bar inside the address bar - just like you have in Safari.

Tab Effect - Download

Adds 3d Effects to Firefox.

When you switch tabs, a nice 3D cube effect is added.

Tab Scope - Download

Hover over a tab, and you get instant preview of the web page.

You can even navigate inside the preview thumbnail - scroll, zoom and open links.

Add more in the comments! - *Images Courtesy:

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