Total Copy

Total Copy is a improved version of Windows' copy-function. Here are some of the features:
  • Pause / Resuming : At any time you may pause the copy-prosess, and continue later.
  • Auto-pause on any error : If you run out of diskspace, the network goes down or some other error occur, copying is automaticly paused, and you may resume when the error is sorted out.
  • Resuming on powerfailure : If the computer is turned off during the copyprosess (ex. power-loss or system-crash), Total Copy let's you resume when you restart.
  • Speedlimit : Slows down the copyprosess, and frees resources to other tasks.
  • Faster than Windows : Copies slightly faster than Windows (approx. 10% localy, and 1% on network)
  • Small improvements : Shows copy-speed, a percent-bar and KBytes remaining.
  • Does not modify Windows' own copy-function : This program will not alter the existing windows-copy-function.
Total Copy

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